Live- in Relationship: A Comparative Analysis on Issue and Challenges in India

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Dr. Krushna Chandra Dalai

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Published: 3 December 2018 | Article Type :


The glamour and beauty of live in relationship is definitely unlocking and unfolding relationship. It has been one of the most controversial legal topics in the recent past. The issue is steadily creeping inside the present clog society and requires a special legislation to negate the chances of misuse of such relationship. One of the instincts of human being is to search life partner that has recognized by civil societies and existed with civilization. Marriage is a sacred union gets legal effects and high respect in society. Live in relationship denotes an arrangement in which a man and women decide to live together on a long term or permanent basis in an emotionally and or sexually intimate relationship like husband and wife or cohabits with each other without any legal sanction, therefore live in relationship has one of the most controversial legal issue as premarital sex, which is considered against the moral values of social ethics in a Indian culture. In this era of globalization the world became a village with the advancement of society and means of communication, man and women have distanced themselves from the obligation of marital bondage and have preferred a walk in and walk out relationship, the system of live in relationship has been opted by some highly educated, formerly self sufficient and by celebrities which sooner or later gets socially and legally complicated with various consequential constrains. The Indian judicial has tried his legal best to interpret different provisions of law in order to give legal protection to such challenges, In the year 2010 the hon’ble Supreme Court of India had rendered land mark judgment and strongly affirmed rights and claims in live in relationship augmenting though in favour of live in relationship is widen the scope to analyze the issue in greater dimension. That in a live in relationship is not simple to be recognized in law as there are several issues which remain ambiguous, complex and unaddressed. It is necessary to understand society with its changing colours and provide laws which are practicable and enforceable to tackle these complex issues, at present there is no specific legislation to deal with the concept of live in relationship and rights of parties and for the fruits of adulteries. Now it is upon us to weigh the pros and consequences of this and then accordingly take a decision for ourselves.

Keywords: Live-In-Relationship, Marriage, Pre-Marital Sex, Indian Culture, S.C Verdict.

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How to Cite


Dr. Krushna Chandra Dalai. (2018-12-03). "Live- in Relationship: A Comparative Analysis on Issue and Challenges in India." *Volume 1*, 4, 34-38